ALSN provides multifaceted opportunities for the generation,
dissemination, and sustainability of nursing leadership science in
education, research, and practice.
Your ALSN Membership includes the following benefits:
- Opportunities to network with pre-eminent researchers and academic and practice experts
- Discounted member rates for annual ALSN International Conference
- Discounted live “hot topic” educational webinars from leading researchers and experts
- Discounted member rates for on-demand webinars
- Opportunities for advanced nursing leadership and student results dissemination (podium, poster, webinars) with member organizations given priority
- Opportunity for “members only” to request research participation
- Access to “members only” annual research grant opportunities
- Access to “members only” publishing opportunities
- Access to monthly Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA) subscription (value $189.60/year cost) mailed to home address
- Free monthly on-line JONA access through ALSN website
- Discounted rates for quarterly Nursing Administration Quarterly (NAQ)
- ALSN monthly e-newsletter
- Opportunities for recognition
- Suzanne Smith Memorial Scholarly Writing award
- Early Careerist award
- Member and Keynote Spotlights
- Opportunities to serve on ALSN committees and task forces
- Opportunity for election to a national office
- Opportunity for “members only” mentor/mentee matching connections
- Access to “members only” member directory with contact information
- Opportunity to network with other ALSN members on topics of interest during quarterly “President’s Happy Hour”