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ALSN & ANF Joyce J. Fitzpatrick Leadership Research Award Linking Nursing Leadership and Workplace Bullying Science to Strengthen Nurse Leader Empowerment Co-investigators:
The purpose of this study is to support nurse leaders’ effectiveness in addressing workplace bullying. Its aim is to develop an instrument to help nurse leaders reframe (Tarasenko et al., 2023) their understanding of workplace bullies’ subtle communication dynamics. In follow-up of a realist review of published literature, the investigators are extracting examples of workplace bullies’ apparent communication processes (Pawson et al., 2005; Pearsons et al., 2023a, 2023 b; Sukhera et al., 2020; Sukhera et al., 2022) and from those processes, identifying the negative effects of those communications. Ultimately, individual instrument items will capture, for example, behaviors that serve to belittle, humiliate, gaslight, or marginalize. We will use multiple steps to test and refine the instrument. Step one involves review of an initial draft of the instrument by a focus group of scientists who have studied bullying in multiple settings. Step two will involve piloting the instrument, as reviewed and edited by the focus group, with a group of nursing leaders geographically local to the investigators. In step three of the project, the final edited version of the survey will be sent electronically to approximately 3000 nurse leaders identified across the US. On the basis of those responses, we plan to conduct an Exploratory Factor Analysis to establish dimensionality of individual items and a Confirmatory Factor Analysis to address the instrument’s overall psychometric quality. There is no available, simple picture to understand or explain the scope of nurse leaders’ complex work (Cummings et al., 2008, 2021; Grubaugh et al., 2023; Richey & Waite, 2019), much less to understand or explain the impact of workplace bullies’ complex communications on nurse leaders’ effective practice (Francioli et al., 2018). Confronted with subtle bullying behaviors, nurse leaders are challenged to develop insight into how bullies’ process traumatizes individual stakeholders and the nursing unit as a whole. We believe the proposed instrument will help to fill a significant gap in nurse leaders’ ability to respond to workplace bullying. As they describe their own workplace bullying experiences in response to proposed instrument items, nurse leaders participating in the study will help to establish the dependability and confirmability of the instrument and its items, ultimately demonstrating its utility in drawing a ‘simple picture’ (Willard, 1994) to clarify workplace bullying’s complexity. Simple pictures are best. References are available upon request. |
| ALSN Foundation Pilot Award Examining the Impact of Geographic Clustering of Nursing Care Assignments on Nursing Outcomes (Efficiency, Workload, Missed Care, and Satisfaction) and Patient Outcomes (Responsiveness, Emergency Response Team Activations, Falls, Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries, and Satisfaction) Principal Investigator:
Purpose The purpose of this nursing research study is to strengthen the body of evidence related to the use of geographic clustering (GC) of nursing care assignments and the effect on staff efficiency, staff workload, missed care, staff satisfaction, responsiveness, emergency response team (ERT) activations, patient falls, patient hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs), and patient satisfaction, and to describe staff members’ experiences working on the unit with GC nursing patient care assignments. This be will a mixed methods research study. Phase 1a and Phase 1b will use a quasi-experimental design. Phase 2 will use qualitative methods, specifically focus groups. During Phase 1a, staff efficiency will be examined by using a step counting device on nursing staff members who volunteer to have their steps collected, and in Phase 1b, GC of nurse-patient care assignments will be implemented on the intervention unit, and staff workload and missed care data will be collected by surveying the staff members on both the intervention and the control units. Staff efficiency data will be collected for each participant for 36 hours prior to implementation and 36 hours following implementation of the GC intervention (72 hours total). Staff workload and missed care data will be collected for one month prior and one month after implementation of the GC intervention. Also, during Phase 1b, responsiveness data will be accessed from the call-light system and will be collected for a three-month period prior to the intervention. ERT activation, patient fall, and patient HAPI data will be obtained from the nursing unit and/or hospital quality scorecard, and patient satisfaction data will be retrieved from the Press Ganey HCAHPS (Detwiler & Vaughn, 2020) monthly patient satisfaction report. ERT, patient fall, patient HAPI, and patient satisfaction data will be collected for a three-month period before and after implementation of the intervention. This study offers an innovative approach in redesigning nurse-patient assignments to focus on nursing workflow and patient safety, and it promotes interprofessional collaboration with an engineer to help understand the physical impact of nursing work. Additionally, this research study will advance the Association for Leadership in Science in Nursing’s (ALSN’s) research priority areas of:
Study Aims
ALSN Foundation Pilot Award The Prevalence of Well-Being Among New Nurses and the Impact on Patient Safety
The concern for the well-being of the nation’s largest healthcare workforce has been intensifying for several years. Research demonstrates that the healthcare work environment is increasingly demanding, leading to high levels of stress, burnout, and suicide among nurses. One population of nurses facing threats to their well-being is new nurses, defined as registered nurses practicing for one year or less. With national calls to address well-being and the recent global pandemic upending the workforce, it is imperative to understand the well-being of new nurses. The purpose of this study is to identify the prevalence of well-being and its relationship to job satisfaction, turnover intent, and patient safety issues among new nurses. The aims of the study include:
ALSN Foundation Pilot Award The Effect of Mini-Mindfulness and Narrative Nursing Interventions to Promote Nurse Leaders’ Resilience and Well-being
In this study, we investigate the effects of a 3-minute mindfulness breathing intervention (3MBS) and a Narrative Nursing (NN) intervention to promote nurse leaders’ well-being and resilience. We will conduct a three-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT), 1) 3MBS group, 2) NN intervention group, and 3) 3MBS/NN intervention group and test effects on well-being and resilience among nurse leaders working in acute care settings. |
![]() | Versant Center for the Advancement of Nursing Pilot Award Nurses' Fatigue, Sleepiness, Sleep Quality and Experience Working Night Shift
Project Summary: The purpose of this pilot study is to assess fatigue, sleepiness, and sleep quality in clinical nurses and administrative supervisors and improve the experience of working night shift. This will be accomplished by:
Aim 1: To identify if a difference exists in fatigue, sleepiness, and sleep quality between day shift and night shift clinical nurses and day shift and night administrative supervisors. Aim 2: To describe the relationship between fatigue, sleepiness, and sleep quality in day shift and night shift clinical nurses and administrative supervisors and demographics such as years of experience on night shift, having a second job, and fatigue-related clinical error or near miss. Aim 3: To describe night shift clinical nurses and administrative supervisors’ experience working night shift and the initiatives to improve their experience working night shift. |
COVID-related Stressors, Burnout, Turnover Intention, and Resilience during the Pandemic among Nurse Leaders
Educational Affiliation: University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Project Summary: It is my great honor to be the recipient of the ALSN research grant 2020-2021 sponsored by the Versant Center for the Advancement of Nursing (VCAN). The COVID-19 pandemic introduced new stressors to nurse leaders, e.g., managing the complex staffing situation (staff shortages, reassigning nurses to cover COVID-19 units, limited bed capacity, high patient acuities, shortage of personal protective equipment), while supporting their staff nurses. However, there is little evidence on COVID-related stressors, burnout, turnover intention, and resilience among nurse leaders. Therefore, this funding has allowed me to conduct a survey study asking nurse leaders about their COVID-related stressors, burnout, turnover intention, and resilience. My goals are to advance our understanding of COVID-related stressors contributing to burnout, turnover intention, and resilience among nurse leaders during COVID-19 and to provide baseline data to inform the development of actionable interventions to prevent or at least reduce burnout and turnover intention and possibly increase resilience. Attending to the well-being of nurse leaders may have second order effects of improving staff nurses’ work-related outcomes as well as patient outcomes. Thus, the results of this study will ultimately improve the quality of care and health outcomes of patients during a global health crisis. List of publication citations using APA format:
List of presentation citations using APA format: Webinar
An Exploration of Frontline Nurses Managers’ Experience during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Principal Investigator:
Project Summary: Confronting the COVID pandemic beginning in March 2020, operational nurse leaders of healthcare organizations across the country have faced major challenges related to surge capacity, personal protective equipment (PPE) supply management, infectious disease prevention practices, rapid just-in-time education and retraining of the hospital workforce, crisis communication, implementation of new clinical treatment guidelines, nearly daily changes in hospital protocols and guidelines, and management of fear, anxiety and uncertainty among staff, patients and families. As chief nursing officers across the country engage in discussions and exchange experiences, significant concerns related to the exceedingly high stress frontline nurse managers (NMs) are experiencing as they lead through the COVID-19 pandemic have risen to the forefront. The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the professional experiences of NMs during the COVID-19 pandemic and create tools and resources for building leadership competencies and personal resiliency for better preparedness in future pandemics and other crises. The specific research aims are to:
Publications Chipps, E., Joseph, ML., Alexander,C., Lyman, B., Nelson-Brantley, H., Parchment, J., Rivera, R., Schultz, M., Ward, D., Weaver, S. (2021). Setting the Agenda for Nursing Administration and Leadership Science. A Delphi Study, Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(9): 430-438. doi: 10.1097/ NNA.0000000000001042. Setting the Nursing Leadership and Administration Research Agenda: National Delphi Study. American Organization of Nursing Leadership, virtual conference July 2021. |
![]() | The Interim Nurse Manager Role and its Influence on Nursing Staff and Patient Outcomes: A Mixed Methods Approach (pdf) Principal Investigator:
Project Summary: The quality of a manager is the single biggest factor in the success of an organization. The increasing financial pressures and clinical challenges faced by healthcare systems coupled with a growing demand to fill vacated positions has resulted in a growing need for interim nurse leaders to fill the gaps until permanent replacements can be found. With the duration of interim nursing management roles reported up to 63 weeks, to optimize the interim role, and off-set the negative effects of nurse manager turnover, there is a critical need to understand the current state of the interim nurse manager role, including the perceived impact of the role on nurse and patient outcomes. Research Aims: Aim 1: Describe the current state of the interim nurse manager role, including:
Aim 2: Examine the relationships among personal characteristics, job resources, nursing practice environment, professional burnout, work engagement and nurse and patient outcomes. Publications Galura, S., Warshawsky, N., Hu, W., & Utt, L. (2022) A survey of interim nurse managers to understand the role and the impact on nurse and patient outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(1), 42-50 DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000001101 November 2022: Supporting Interim Nurse Manager Role Transition: The Development of an Evidence-Based Toolkit. Association of Leadership Science in Nursing (ALSN) Annual International Conference: Nursing Science for Leadership in a New Decade; Cleveland, Ohio. Poster |
![]() | Sheila Chucta DNP, RN, APRN-CNS-CNS, CCRN Educational Affiliation: The Ohio State University |
Amy Campbell, RN, MSN, PhD Educational Affiliation: East Carolina University "I am very honored to be the recipient of the 2018 research grant. This funding allowed me to hold focus groups to capture the voice of the Register Nurse and Nursing Assistant and their role in patient safety. As a PhD student, this allowed me to go beyond my dissertation work and have the opportunity to do a mixed methods study. I am excited to be part of an organization that has such a wide influence on nursing leadership, education, and administration." |
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Peggy Jenkins, PhD, RN
Educational Affiliation: University of Colorado College of Nursing "ALSN is the perfect organization for educators of nurse leaders and I have been a member reaping benefits for several years. It was an honor to receive a research grant in 2018 for innovative action research. Over three semesters, we placed PhD and DNP health leadership students together in course work. We gathered voices of the students and constructed new knowledge describing doctoral scholarly roles and models for doctoral leadership education in health systems. Our work was accepted for publication in Advances in Nursing Science. We appreciate the support of ALSN in moving discourse forward on collaborative models for doctoral education." |
Congratulations to the two grant awardees!
![]() | Team Learning and Safety Culture in Perioperative Hospital Units: Understanding the Nursing Unit Leader Perspective
Susan Weaver, PhD, RN, CRNI, NEA-BC. Educational Affiliation: Ann May Center for Nursing, Hackensack Meridian Health "It is an honor for myself and all administrative supervisors to have received the ALSN 2017 Research Award for research on the development of the Administrative Supervisor Practice Environment scale. Considering the lack of research on the Administrative Supervisor role, receiving this grant from ALSN reinforces the value of this research specific to this vital nursing leadership role." |
Association for Leadership Science in Nursing3416 Primm Lane, Birmingham, AL 35216 USA |