You will be required to submit the following information with your abstract:
(all information submitted below, excluding CV/Resume, will be included in the final program)
General Information
- Submission title: Limited to 25 words.
- Submission Category: Research, Evidence-Based Practices, etc (see categories above).
- Type of submission: Oral or Poster; and whether it is Research based; Evidence based; Quality Improvement; or Academic-Service Partnerships.
Authors & Contacts
- Primary/Lead Author’s CV/Resume: Required for Nursing CE.
- Full name, credentials, contact information, disclosures, and short biography for each author in your submission: The biography is limited to 100 words per author, and the submission is limited to 8 co-authors (9 total).
- Problem, Background/Significance, Rationale:
Provide a description of the problem, its significance to nursing
leadership, and rationale for the academic-practice partnership, EBP,
QI, or research study. For EBP and QI submissions, also provide an
analysis of the strength of evidence supporting the project.
Purpose, Specific Aims, Project Goals or Objectives:
- ASP: describe the purpose of the academic-practice partnership and overall objectives or goals.
- QI and EBP: describe the PICOT question (where applicable) and project goal(s) or objective(s).
- R: describe the overall purpose of the study, specific aims, research question(s), and hypothesis as appropriate.
Methods, Collaboration, Implementation and/or Evaluation Plan:
- ASP: describe the process and/or procedures used for collaboration and evaluation (e.g., deliverables).
- EBP: describe the theoretical
framework used to guide the practice change, and implementation
strategies used in the practice change including identification of
stakeholders, barriers and facilitators.
- QI: describe the QI methods (e.g.,
PDSA, LEAN, etc.) used to conduct the project, measures or instruments
used, data collection methods, and evaluation.
- R: describe the theoretical
framework, study design, setting, sample, instruments, data collection
procedures, and data analysis.
Results/Outcomes and Implications:
- ASP: describe the outcomes of the partnership, and implications for nursing leadership education and/or practice.
- EBP: describe outcomes of the practice change, lessons learned, and plans to sustain the practice.
- QI: provide data demonstrating the improvement in clinical or practice outcome(s) addressed by the project.
- R: describe the primary results or
findings of the study, contributions to the science of nursing
leadership, and implications for nursing leadership education, practice,
and/or research.
- Abstract Content: The abstract is limited to 500 words excluding references (references are not required to be submitted with the abstract).
- Learning Objectives: Please provide at least 2 measurable objectives.
Only the primary author or lead organizer
should submit an abstract. Submissions should include the above and the
entire team’s CV or Resume. If the author is listed on the abstract but
is not attending the conference, their name will not appear in the
program and their CV/resume is not required.
Submissions will be reviewed and selected based on relevance to the conference theme, completeness and quality of the abstract.